What They Don’t Tell You About Being a Black Woman in Leadership Stepping into a leadership role as a Black woman is both a triumph and a challenge. It’s a moment of pride, reflecting years of hard work, dedication, and resilience. Yet,...
Navigating the Workplace: Understanding That Coworkers Aren’t Always Friends As women of color in the workplace, we often bring our full selves to the job—our passion, dedication, and our desire to build meaningful connections. We value relationships, and it's...
Weathering the Storm: How I Found My Way Back to the Light ... through this challenging experience, I learned that it’s not about the storm itself; it’s about how we stand and show up during it that defines our journey back to...
Woman Evolve Week 4 Personal Study Series: You Need A Trim Besties, Listen this weeks lesson is one that you need to highlight and keep as a reference. As we begin to evolve, everyone isn't able to go with you. It's...
Woman Evolve Week 3: What Are We Doing Today | Personal Study Series Hey Book Besties! How have you been this past week? I hope that you were blessed by last weeks lesson on Damage Control. Tell me what stuck out the most to...
Woman Evolve Week 2 Personal Study Series Hey Book Besties, I hope that you enjoyed week one of the personal study series. If you missed lasts week session, you can catch up here: https://youtube.com/live/Jw657CgljR0?feature=share Hey Bestie, I want...